Environmental Knowledge

Environmental Justice and Cultural Stewardship through Átwi Ticám Schookwát

Átwi Ticám Schookwát, a principle deeply rooted in our cultural heritage and stories, emphasizes the power knowing the ecology and history of these land. Through our advocacy efforts, particularly in crafting comment letters and engaging in various advocacy platforms, we aim to tell our stories and learnings of the Lower Snake River - a narrative that intertwines the ecological significance of the river with the cultural and spiritual life of our community. You can view our individual comment letters below:

May 2022 Comment Letter on the Council on Environmental Quality's request for Beta Version of the Justice40 Climate and Economic Screening Tool

July 2023 Comment Letter to Council on Environmental Quality’s request for feedback on Columbia River salmon and other native fish restoration and other relevant information to an ongoing mediation

August 2023 Comment Letter to Council on Environmental Quality’s request for feedback on Columbia River salmon and other native fish restoration and other relevant information to an ongoing mediation